Both undefeated, the Wbc Hw champion Deontay Wilder entered this fight with a perfect record of 37-0-0 (36 KOs=97%) and he is ranked as the No.2 heavyweight in the world (currently the #1 in this division is Anthony Joshua) while his opponent, Gerald Washington, has a boxing record of 18-0-1 (12 knockouts) and he entered as the No.20 in the same weight class. Both boxers fought twice last year: Wilder beat Artur Szpilka (=Wilder vs Szpilka) and Chris Arreola (=Wilder vs Arreola) while Washington won over Eddie Chambers and Ray Austin. Deontay Wilder vs Gerald Washington is valid for the WBC World heavyweight title (Wilder’s fifth defense). Watch the video and rate this fight!
Date: 2017-02-25
Where: Legacy Arena, Birmingham, Alabama, USA
Division: heavyweight (over 200 lbs, 90.7 kg)
Title: WBC World heavyweight title
Wilder’s previous fight: Deontay Wilder vs Chris Arreola
Washington’s next fight: Jarrell Miller vs Gerald Washington
Wilder’s next fight: Deontay Wilder vs Bermane Stiverne 2
Wilder vs Washington Fight Video:
(Free embeddable video hosted on Youtube and not uploaded by AllTheBestFights)
Official video
Official highlights
This fight showed Wilder is on par with Parker.
Washington seemed to gas in the 4th.
He also can’t throw a right correctly. But we knew he was inexperienced.
I once thought Wilder would beat Fury (who I dont like BTW)
but this changed my mind on that. Fury could Klitchko Wilder all night. And I still see Joshua beating him. (as long as Joshua overcome Klitchko)
Joshua is the best HW no doubt. Wilder is just like his name, even after all those fights: Wild.
Wilder did not accelerate bc he was not camfortable with opponent’s
heights, also I think it was a fight plan to bring the fight in later
rounds. Washington is too good while he is fresh. Fighting AJ it will be
another plan. Besides, AJ might be scared and uncomfortable with tall
opposition. Washington was too brave and he paid for that.
Wilder looks unimpressive. Lack of technique being carried by offensive explosion. Boxing in the HW division is weak but I want to see him fight an actual proven top fighter.
Unimpressive fight on Wilders behalf. Its a pity Washington is still inexperienced, he should look to Alvarez as to how to throw a left to the body. He also should learn to throw combination punches not just one two’s. With better coaching and more fitness he could become a legitimate contender. He totally exposed Wilder up until the last minute. I can’t see Wilder beating any body opposite and above him in the various rankings. He will turn into a Cornish pastie if he ever gets to England.
Ubił go na kotleta schabowego
Wilder may have looked unimpressive but he still had one shot, took it perfectly and finished the fight.
After seeing this fight, there is no doubt in my mind, the best HW in the world right now is Joshua, by a mile.
Very entertaining fight coming from two giants. It was all Gerald’s fight until he was connected. It is bad because he is a pretty good boxer, with nice techniques but with limited power. Deontay is just effective because his extraordinary power but in term of techniques he still requires a lot of learning since he exposed here all his liabilities. Currently, if he goes for Joshua he will be an easy prey.
Shut up stupid 38-0 37 Ko’s show us yours LMAOOOOO
Will u be paroled soon Buckwheat? That is BIG John’s question in Cell Block D.
He said he’ll miss your posterior hole……. LOLOL
The beaner is mad now, i told you beaner we run this sh*t, now go and jump back over that wall to your third world Mexico HAHAHAHAH
Another stupid one on youtube lmao
I love Mardi Gras……. HAHAHAHAHA
Mr Pryor we beaners are foreigners in our own country and still slaves coz we are not allowed to stay in America and they kill us privately by border fences. Now they built a new wall in san diego and i hear they have secret pits to bury us lmaooooooooooooo
It’ll be your turn “hanging out’ soon, Buckwheat. lmaooooooooo
Mr Pryor we beaners are hanging on the wall everyday but nobody is do anything please help before Mr Trump is kill all beaners hahahahahahahahahahahahah
U feel like “hanging out?” My boyz & I can make that happen… just need some rope & a tree. hahahahahahahahahahahah
Mr Pryor we beaners are slaves in america because most of us got no jobs and all in prison for stealing raping and killing old people and children. We can’t run a country thats why Mexico is poor and corrupt and all mexicans got no education and thats why Mr Trump is building a new wall in San diego for us. Mr Trump said that we are rapists and killers and thats why white people will never put a beaner in the whitehouse as President because we are slaves in america today to black and whites HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
Wow, Buckwheat is getting annoyed & again came back with a long spiel about nothing. If u prefer, we’ll hang you upside down. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
Mr Pryor we beaners are slaves for blacks and whites thats why we jump border fences coz we are not wanted in america because Mr Trump said we are rapists, killers and thieves HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Mr Pryor we beaners are now under pressure from Mr Trump he is now sending the army to the border fence to kill us. HE SAYS WE ARE ANIMALS kikikikirkikiki
Yoo hooo Buckwheat………… kikikikikikiki
Mr pryor why you black people is own america but you was brought here as slaves why? We beaners are the owners of the land but we are jumping the fence and then Mr trump says we are animals why mr pryor? KIKIKIKIKIKIKIKIKIKIKIKI
Mr Pryor sorry i not reply but us beaners are in trouble now because Mr Trump is build wall and we can’t go back to Mexico but we are busy stealing lawn mower and pots and pans to put food on table and we also rape and kill people LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOO
You’re forgiven Buckwheat.
But The Warden still wanna hang you. LMAOOOOOOOOOOO
Mr Pryor please help us because Mr Trump is make us slaves again and is not wanting us to jump wall because it is new and shiny and don’t want it to be made dirty by smelly mexicans LMAOOOOO
Mr Pryoir sorry for not talk to you but i is suffer now because all beaners in America is not go back to Mexico because wall is now in operation and all beaners is try to climb wall but it is to high and is slippery because they is put anti-climb and now i can’t put my lawn mower over the wall LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Where have u been Buckwheat? Don’t be too sensitive. You’re amongst friends…. Relax, take a nap, and dream of fruits & bananas. LMAOOOOOOOOOO
Mr Pryor I was wait by border wall but they is put anti-climb on wall and me and my family is stuck by border fence because mr trump[ is build new wall LMAOOOOOOOOOOOO
Mr Pryor I was hangout by wall because i want to jump over wall but mr trump is tell guard to shoot any beaner who is climb wall and bury us in bush LMAOOOO
CaucAsians wanna hang you in a tree near the border? I bet you’ll look something like this.
Wow, poor tree. LMAOOOO
Georgie Z. was last seen fishing in the Florida Everglades then drinking suds with his buds.
IDK about this little Buckwheat in this pic. Or is he jail or 6 ft. under? LMAOOOOO
Mr Pryor we beaners is very weak because mr Zimmerman was scream for mommy and daddy when black teenager is hit him like baby, we beaners is weak Mr pryor hahahahahahahhaha
Look… …. The LOVE Train. hahahahahahahhaha
Mr Pryor you is hear breaking news? Mr Trump is now wanting to send us beaners to Japan! Please help us Mr Pryor I not want to go to japan we is not survive in Japan because Japanese people will kill us beaners LMAOOOOOO
Mr Pryor please help us beaners because Mr Trump is detain us by border detention center and separating out children from us. We are like slaves in america but we are the owners and Mr Trump is illegal in america but he is make us slaves in our own country “LOLOLOLOL”
Run Buckwheat, run !!!
Mr Pryor they is take our children from us in detention because Mr Trump say we beaners are animals and rapists so they separate our children from us and keep us in detention center but we is owners of america but the white man is make us beaners slaves “LOLOLOLOLOL”
Mr P:Pryor my family is still in detention because white man is make us slaves again LMAOOOOOOOOOOOO
Mr Pryor we are slaves and toys for the whiteman, now they are separating us form our children in the detention center, please help us beaners please “LOLOLOLOL”
They say that colored people are athletic.
But how come they couldn’t run a bullet when it’s chasing them “LOLOLOLOL”
Mr Pryor we beaners are not athletic but Mr Trump is catch us and put us in detention center and separate our children from us but we are the owners of the land but we beaners are still slaves in America “LOLOLOL”
Children should be detained with their lawbreaking parents.
Then deport them all together back to Mexico along with Buckwheat & his APES.
Mr Pryor my name is Vino Rocha and I is not a beaner i is a flip from the poorest country on the planet the Philippines “LOL”LOL”
Mr. Vino Rocha, My name is Aaron Pryor. My nickname is Kunta Kinte from the planet of the Philippines. And George Zimmerman is my hero. “LOL”LOL”
Mr Pryor i think mr Vino is mad coz you have exposed him and showed the world that pinoys are the ladyboys of the Asian world HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Mr. Vino Rocha,
My name is Kunta Kinta AKA Aaron Pryor. My nickname is Flip Rice Eater.
Because Aaron Pryor eats Flips’ rice & their tiny peckers. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Mr. Vino Rocha,
First, Buckwheat thought i was a Mexican Wetback, then a Gooky Chinkeroo. Now he thinks I’m a rice eating Flip Filipino. What’s next, I’m Kunta Kinte’s long lost brother?
BTW, I’m Bruce Lee & watch me kick that niggha.
Mr Pryor we beaners and pinoys always hide and pretend to be black or white people because we are inferior and always want to be like black or white people HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA
Do u think Trayvon Martin even knows it Fart of July?
BTW, when is 4th of July anyway? HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA
Mr Pryor we beaners and pinoy people are scared for black american that why beaner like zimmerman was scream because Mr Trayvon was hit him like woman but Mr Trayvin was only teenager but Mr Zimmerman was grown a*s man HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Maxine wanna be in the next PLANET OF THE APES movie.
Poor canine doggie…. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Mr pryor why we beaners is still slaves in america? White man is bring blacks from Africa to be slaves but they are now rich and they sit in the whitehouse but we beaners are born in America but we are still called foreigners why Mr Pryor why? HAHAHAHAHHA
Back to beaners? I thought i was a Pinoy Flip or a G00k, changed ur mind again chitlin boy…. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Mr Pryor we beaners always try to be someone else but you know us mr Pryor because we is do the same thing we is fight for beaner people HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
All i know is i enjoy looking at this pic below. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
Trump will be deporting you & ur people back to Africa. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Mr Pryor mr trump is hate beaners and says they are a leech on american society and that we are rapists and steal too much thats why he build a wall HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH
I’m not a beaner, Pinoy Flip, Boricua, Red Neck, Platano Boy, Rice Boy, Wetback, etc……. I’m Swedish, as in Swedish meatballs.
Look, chitlin loving shoplifter caught & arrested by a Ch*nk cop. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/333b1894bc3a060dbf68a4ecc4b7d0116e46bbf8f5643ccd6cb1400a187f8a63.jpg
Mr Pryor today I Vinho is swedish but I was mexican but you know us beaners we want to be white. Ive are ashamed to be mexican because we are inferior to all people hahahahahahahahhaa
Ur idol will be back in jail, SOON. hahahahahahahahhaa
Mr Pryor I think you is make Mr Vino very angry because he is short and got big belly and big head like most of us LMAOOOOOO
Happy Fart of July Buckwheat,
I wonder where & how Trayvon Martin is celebrating his July Fart.
From Filipino Flip, Chinky Gook, & Mr. Wetback…. LMAOOOOOO
Mr Pryor I am white man today hahahahahahahaha
Mr Pryor we beaners always like to be white man , first I said I was from America now I am from Sweden “LOLOLOL”
Mr Pryor we beaners are not a race thats why we are poor and got no intelligence we only kill for the cartel HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHA
Take a look.
My Pinoy Flip cop arresting one of your own. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAHAH.
From Beaner From Sweden.