Saul Juarez entered this fight with a boxing record of 24-9-2 (13 knockouts) and he is ranked as the No.15 light flyweight in the world but he won just one out of his last seven bouts, against Gilberto Parra last year (Gilberto Parra Medina vs Saul Juarez); after this fight he tied with Mario Andrade (their first bout, Saul Juarez vs Mario Andrade) and he lost to Ken Shiro.
His opponent, Mario Andrade, has an official record of 14-7-6 (4 knockouts) and he entered as the No.17 in the same weight class. He lost once last year, against Junto Nakatani, then he has faced Juarez and in his last bout he has beat Jorge Alberto Arguelles Hernandez. Juarez vs Andrade 2 is valid for the WBC Latino light flyweight title. Watch the video and rate this fight!
Mario Andrade fight videos
2018 BOXING fight – Saul Juarez vs Mario Andrade – full fight Video
Saul Juarez entered this fight with a pro record of 24-8-1 (13 knockouts) and he is ranked as the No.13 light flyweight in the world but he lost four out of his last five bouts, the last one with Abraham Rodriguez at the end of 2017. After this fight he came back to win in 2018 with Gilberto Parra (Gilberto Parra Medina vs Saul Juarez).
His opponent, Mario Andrade, has an official boxing record of 13-7-5 (3 knockouts) and he entered as the No.23 in the same weight class. He has already fought twice in 2018 beating Guillermo Said Flores and losing to Junto Nakatani. Juarez vs Andrade is valid for the WBC Latino light flyweight title. Watch the video and rate this fight!