Here you can find the ranking of all the best muay thai, k-1 and kickboxing fights of the Year 2024. We create two different kickboxing rankings every year:
one in which you can find all the bouts of 2024 rated by the editorial board of (matches sorted by the number of stars we give, but also in chronological order)
the second one, created just at the end of the year, in which we list the top 10 kickboxing, k-1 and muay thai Fights of the Year rated by our users (matches sorted by the highest average rating). In this ‘Kickboxing Fans Ranking’, if two bouts have the same average rating, the one with the highest number of votes will have a higher position (this year not enough matches were voted, therefore it was not possible to create this ranking).
Clicking on the name of the fighters you can watch and rate the video of the fight (if it is available on the web) and read some info about it. However, you do not find a link for all the matches because we create a single post just for the 4 and 5 stars fights or for the most important ones.
Start voting to choose the best muay thai, k-1 and kickboxing fight of the year 2024! Or comment this post if we have not considered a kickboxing match that could be rated with 4 or 5 stars; in this way you will help us to create the best database of all the most spectacular fights!
Here you can find the ranking of all the best muay thai, k-1 and kickboxing fights of the Year 2023. We create two different kickboxing rankings every year:
one in which you can find all the bouts of 2023 rated by the editorial board of (matches sorted by the number of stars we give, but also in chronological order)
the second one, created just at the end of the year, in which we list the top 10 kickboxing, k-1 and muay thai Fights of the Year rated by our users (matches sorted by the highest average rating). In this ‘Kickboxing Fans Ranking’, if two bouts have the same average rating, the one with the highest number of votes will have a higher position.
Clicking on the name of the fighters you can watch and rate the video of the fight (if it is available on the web) and read some info about it. However, you do not find a link for all the matches because we create a single post just for the 4 and 5 stars fights or for the most important ones.
Start voting to choose the best muay thai, k-1 and kickboxing fight of the year 2023! Or comment this post if we have not considered a kickboxing match that could be rated with 4 or 5 stars; in this way you will help us to create the best database of all the most spectacular fights!
Here you can find the ranking of all the best muay thai, k-1 and kickboxing fights of the Year 2022. We create two different kickboxing rankings every year:
one in which you can find all the bouts of 2022 rated by the editorial board of (matches sorted by the number of stars we give, but also in chronological order)
the second one, created just at the end of the year, in which we list the top 10 kickboxing, k-1 and muay thai Fights of the Year rated by our users (matches sorted by the highest average rating). In this ‘Kickboxing Fans Ranking’, if two bouts have the same average rating, the one with the highest number of votes will have a higher position (unfortunately, this year, we can’t create this ranking since we have not received enough votes).
Clicking on the name of the fighters you can watch and rate the video of the fight (if it is available on the web) and read some info about it. However, you do not find a link for all the matches because we create a single post just for the 4 and 5 stars fights or for the most important ones.
Start voting to choose the best muay thai, k-1 and kickboxing fight of the year 2022! Or comment this post if we have not considered a kickboxing match that could be rated with 4 or 5 stars; in this way you will help us to create the best database of all the most spectacular fights!
Here you can find the ranking of all the best muay thai, k-1 and kickboxing fights of the Year 2021. We create two different kickboxing rankings every year:
one in which you can find all the bouts of 2021 rated by the editorial board of (matches sorted by the number of stars we give, but also in chronological order)
the second one, created just at the end of the year, in which we list the top 10 kickboxing, k-1 and muay thai Fights of the Year rated by our users (matches sorted by the highest average rating). In this ‘Kickboxing Fans Ranking’, if two bouts have the same average rating, the one with the highest number of votes will have a higher position.
Clicking on the name of the fighters you can watch and rate the video of the fight (if it is available on the web) and read some info about it. However, you do not find a link for all the matches because we create a single post just for the 4 and 5 stars fights or for the most important ones.
Start voting to choose the best muay thai, k-1 and kickboxing fight of the year 2021! Or comment this post if we have not considered a kickboxing match that could be rated with 4 or 5 stars; in this way you will help us to create the best database of all the most spectacular fights!
In our ‘2020 Kickboxing Fans Ranking’ you can find the list of the top 5 kickboxing and muay thai fights of the Year 2020 rated by our users. This ranking is created at the end of each year by selecting the best kickboxing and muay thai matches with the highest average rating (among the fights that have got 4 or 5 stars and rated at least 4 times); if two bouts have the same average rating, the one with the highest number of votes will have a higher position in the ranking.
Ladies and gentlemen, this year we are pleased to announce that the kickboxing Fight of the Year 2020, voted by kickboxing and muay thai fans is
Here you can find the videos of the best kickboxing, k-1 and muay thai fights of 2020 rated by
Clicking on the name of the fighter you can watch and rate the video of the fight (if it is available on the web) and read some info about it. However, you do not find a link for all the fighting because we create a single post just for the 4 and 5 stars fights or for the most important ones.
Comment this post if you want to suggest your favourite kickboxing, k-1 or muay thai fights and to help us creating the best fighting database of all the most spectacular fights!
Here you can find the best kickboxing, k-1 and muay thai fights of 2019 rated by our users. At the end of every year we post the top 15 fighting with 4 and 5 stars, rated at least four times.
Clicking on the name of the fighter you can watch and rate the video of the fight (if it is available on the web) and read some info about it.
‘Best of Kickboxing’, is the annual ranking of the best kickboxing, k-1 and muay thai fights of the year 2019, matches rated by AllTheBestFights.
Clicking on the names of the fighters you can watch and rate the video of the fight (if it is available on the web) and read some info about it. However, you do not find a link for all the kickboxing fights because we create a single post just for the 4 and 5 stars bouts or for the most important ones.
Comment this post if you want to suggest your favorite kickboxing, k-1 or muay thai fight and to help us creating the best kickboxing ranking of all the most spectacular fights!
Here you can find the best kickboxing, k-1 and muay thai fights of 2018 rated by our users. We post the top 20 bouts with 4 and 5 stars rated at least three times.
Clicking on the name of the fighter you can watch and rate the video of the fight (if it is available on the web) and read some info about it.
‘Best of Kickboxing’, is the annual ranking of the best kickboxing, k-1 and muay thai fights of the year 2018, matches rated by AllTheBestFights.
Clicking on the names of the fighters you can watch and rate the video of the fight (if it is available on the web) and read some info about it. However, you do not find a link for all the kickboxing fights because we create a single post just for the 4 and 5 stars bouts or for the most important ones.
Comment this post if you want to suggest your favorite kickboxing, k-1 or muay thai fight and to help us creating the best kickboxing ranking of all the most spectacular fights!
Since 2011, more than 26,100 fights rated and more than 101,800 votes collected!!