Both undefeated, the black belt in judo and former Strikeforce Bw champion Ronda Rousey entered this fight with a perfect mma record of 12-0-0 (100% finishing rate) and she is ranked as the No.1 women’s bantamweight in the world while her opponent, the former Wbc, Wba, Wbf and Iba boxing champion Holly Holm, has an official record of 9-0-0 (67% ko/tko victory rate – she has never won via submission) and she entered as the No.8 in the same weight class. Both fighters have already fought twice in 2015: ‘Rowdy’ Rousey has beat Cat Zingano (4-stars-fight, Rousey vs Zingano) and Bethe Correia (=Rousey vs Correia) while Holm has won over Raquel Pennington (=Holm vs Pennington) and Marion Reneau (=Holm vs Reneau). Rousey vs Holm, main event of Ufc 193, is valid for the Ufc women’s bantamweight title (held by Rousey). Watch the video and rate this fight!
Event: UFC 193: Rousey vs Holm
Date: 2015-11-15
Where: Etihad Stadium, Melbourne, Australia
Division: bantamweight (135 lbs, 61 kg)
Title: UFC Women’s Bantamweight Championship
UFC 193 fight card (main card):
Ronda Rousey vs Holly Holm
Joanna Jedrzejczyk vs Valerie Letourneau
Mark Hunt vs Antonio Silva 2
Uriah Hall vs Robert Whittaker
Stefan Struve vs Jared Rosholt
Holm’s next fight: Holly Holm vs Miesha Tate
Rousey’s next fight: Amanda Nunes vs Ronda Rousey
Official video:
Got kicked right in her loud mouth, lmao!
Total domination and terrible humiliation. Holy did the perfect fight keeping distance at her will and knocking out her opponent quite easy. I enjoyed the result since Ronda is too arrogant for my taste. Anyhow, not anymore. Hope she learned the lesson.
The majority won’t feel sorry for Rousey. She turned out to be a tool. An ungracious winner that got caught up in her own hype.
Justice has been served to the Brat! Magnificent victory to Humble Holly Holm! Wooooo!!!! Hoooooo!!!
She moved just like Mayweather
You mean Holly right?
Well he can’t be referring to Ronda, she lumbered around like a drunk gorilla.
Very well put.
rousey has been dominate rousey was more marketable
who cares whos more marketable… I want the best person to win Fck who is better for the media
your right may the best woman win congrats to holly
ufc should of stood behind rousey and made sure she kept the belt ufc sucks
lol fortunately the ufc doesn’t fight the fights
What? You mean deny the obvious, just so RR could keep the belt? Like FM v MP.
Except FM vs MP was nothing like this fight. MP didn’T even come close to knocking out Floyd, let alone out pointing him. But yeah, the OP is fucktard for suggesting RR should’ve kept the belt.
holly holmes seems like she will be hard to beat unless she goes up against a good wrestler
Beautiful Ha Ha Ha. The biggest hype train in ufc history has been wrecked, and she has the gall to say she could be man, mayweather would spin her like a top with his jab. Ronda couldn’t do her judo throw because holy was bigger and stronger, she just didn’t to small opponents. I was getting sick of ufc trying to push ronda on us. She got what she deserve.
Mmm. I agree.
Or maybe it’s all set up and rigged from the get go… Ronda sells … Ufc wasn’t as big as it was 5+ years until Ronda came around and brought it back to the limelight . Let’s face it ufc didn’t have as much hype till Ronda . They gotta keep their ratings going that’s why Ronda started so much controversy ( she got paid more ) brought ufc more attention … Ronda didn’t fight like usual she looked as if she didn’t even know what she was doing or never stepped in the ring before … Who knows but money talks … Just a thought !
You clearly don’t know anything about the UFC, let me guess you’really one of those that started watching UFC around the time Rondo came to the UFC. Rondo is nobody. She lost because she deserved it and thought she couldn’t be beat.
Ru kidding me she got beat down by a trained boxer , kick boxer not no bullsh*t a*s browler a real fighter
F*ck I knew she shouldn’t have taken that fight. Ronda can’t beat a good striker who has a bigger reach. She never should have fought holly
Holly’s athleticism and intelligence won the fight Rhonda is just a brawler with a master armbar and no stamina. she reminds me of faber long win streak as champion years back due to lack of competition. Holly could be the new gsp of the womens division. Woohoo sure like the preachers daughter that should shut loud mouth rhonda up a little if not then something isnt right with that fight. I been a holly fan for about 2 years but am kind of skeptical guess it still has to sink in.
No way. RR would have looked even worse if she did not fight HH.
ronda is just a fighter who happened to be the most talked about fighter at a time where the ufc was thriving, and mostly because of her popularity. People fall in love with her personality and her background. Anyone who is going to say that she deserved it is just tasteless, and has no moral background to speak of with those words. This is fighting, and it’s serious, and to say that she got what she deserved is wrong. Unfortunately, she got a little bit ahead of herself just one time, and it came back to bite her. She will be back, and she may even beat Holly Holm next time, and if she does, she will deserve it.
Jordan… what you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this comment is now dumber for having read it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
What they said makes perfect sense. Your comment has embarrassed you. Are u illiterate?
Rhonda has no class and proves it all the time. Dana lost his little hyped up cash cow, he looked more devastated than Rhonda. That might as well have been him laying flat on his a*s on the mat. Maybe after this Rhonda will learn about sportsmanship.
no amount of d*cks*cking will minimize how it felt good seeing her getting kicked on her big mouth.
ronda is a f*** bitch egocentric, has no fair-play and no respects for others. She considers herself as superior to all human being. She is not worth being in mma period nor in any other sport. i hope the kick she received on her neck has made permanent damage so we won’t see her again fighting like a bi*tch
your a bitch. you should of gotten the kick
That is sooo weak. RR did need to find the lower rungs, but your hate wish makes you like her. I hope she recovers fully. I have a damaged neck from a car accident, and it is living hell… Maybe some karma will soon help you out too. ATB.
He says don’t say she got what she deserve but finishes the sentence with Holly will get what she deserves shut the f*** up
re-read the sentence bro, he means ronda will deserve the win if she gets it
And is everybody forgetting the fist shove that Holmes gave Ronda during the stare down/weigh-in? I know everybody on this thread would lose a bit of respect for anyone who pulls a subtle cheap shot on them leading up to a competitive event. I’m guessing that’s why she refused to touch gloves. I don’t rate her sh*t talk or petty vendettas either but she’s not doing any of it without backing evidence.
S*** where have you been? who woke you up? RR was so up herself… it was her doing the talking. Which ‘one time’ are you talking about?
This is actually probably the best thing that could happen for women’s mixed martial arts.
Great fight, Holy was better in all aspects !! great on the floor, amazing job with knees, kicks and elbows! But the most important great personality and respect to her opponents, which Rosey does not have.
Very well said.
Epic! Taught a lesson in humility!
yeeessss! a dream comes true!!!
She got beaten by a better fighter…..that’s it…Holmes dismantled her…
Yup, someone finally solved the riddle and made her look really foolish in the process.
I really hope this teaches her a lesson and all the hype around her stops now. I also hope her this brings her down a notch and all her trash talking sh*tty sportsmanship attitude nonsense will end as well.
Even with a rematch, I’m not sure she can beat Holm. Holm just outclassed her in every way. Better boxing, better movement, and made Rousey come to her and she paid with elbows and straight jobs to the grill every time she came in on Holm.
Holm showed if you can stay out of the clinch, Rousey is very beatable and very one dimensional. Rousey was gassed after the first round for gods sake.
Rousey Got Beat By A Boxer [Holms]
All The Other Fighters Beaten By Rousey Were Little & Scared
Like Over-Hyped Gina Carano, Who Was Beaten To A Pulp
By Kris Cyborg, After She Lost Carano Quickly [Vanished]
Rousey Was Exposed As An Over-Hyped Media Doll
Rousey Went Down Emphatically, Leaving No Doubts Who Won
[Decisively] Beyond A Shadow Of A Doubt, Holms Won
Rousey’s WWE & Hollywood Stock Has Fallen As Of [Tonight]
wtf are you talking about? you trolling or something cus you sound st*pid as f*ck sir…
Rousey never fought Carano or Cyborg…
Man Shut The F!!! Up
I’ll Post What I Choose To Post, Live With It
Like [Drowsy] Ronda Rousy
cant wait for mayweathers comment on this.
Lol. IKR. Haha
Holm just took Rousey to school in boxing.
first boxing champ to become mma champ… love it!
Yeah, had to look twice to see if it really was RR in the cage with HH… HH made RR look like an MMA debut-tee, or a kind of stand-in act or something.
Yes she did.
i think holmes vs meisha tate would be a good match due to the fact that theyre both strikers
Even RR beat Meisha with a striking fight!
i wanted rousey to retain her belt
All The Other Fighters Beaten By Rousey
Were Little & Scared
Rousey’s WWE & Hollywood Stock..
Has Fallen As Of [Tonight]
Just look at the s**t Meisha presented to RR, then got kicked… RR, should have known better than to do the same.
Rousey Was Not Built For Long Marathons [Cardio]
Rousey Was Built For Short 20-30 Second Sprints, If That
Should have told her she needed to do some preparation to beat the better HH. HH was just too good.
Taking nothing away from Rousey, but she needed to loose at some point to bring her down a notch and become a bit more humble. The fight reminded me of the Ray vs Duran first fight. Like Rousey, Ray got suckered into fighting brawler’s fight and lost. If Rousey is to beat Holmes in a rematch, It will be done only if Rousey can clinch and take her down, other wise fighting Holmes again from the outside will result in a second loss. Rousey needs to stick to what she does best and put her judo skills to use.
Holly went to touch gloves before the fight but Rousey refused and backed up. Holly looked concerned after the fight and stood near Rousey looking on. A sign of great sportsmanship and I praise Holly for being humble and respectful. May Rousey learn from this loss, become a better person and giving us a better Holmes vs Rousey II to view.
Well spoken… I noticed HH looking on too, it spoke volumes of good, clean, respectful and professional sportsmanship. And her almost loving hug of RR later… HH seems to only speak in full respect of RR. HH deserves a ‘Sports Person of 2015’ trophy.
Rousey Was Not Built For Long Marathons [Cardio]
Rousey Was Built For Short 20-30 Second Sprints, If That
Holly’s Team Before The Fight Made It Crystal Clear..
“I would like nothing else in the world than for [Ronda] to strike with Holly —
Holly is the best striker in the world.”
Bold words, considering Ronda just K.O.’d Bethe Correia in 34 seconds
Courtesy of a punishing strike to the head.
“Holly isn’t Bethe Correia,” Lenny says …
“She [Rousey] has never seen a fighter like Holly. People don’t realize how much Bigger An Stronger Holly Is Than Ronda. She Cleaned Out The Boxing Division At 130,137 & 154”
TM:Z http://www.tmz.com/2015/08/21/ronda-rousey-called-out-by-holly-holms-camp-you-will-lose/#ixzz3s285FK7x
Check Holmes, her face an muscle composition points toward doping. Looks half a man!
same as Ronda.
Yeah, but only in slomo as Holm punches her. LOL!!
STFU and accept the loss!
WT… You say she looks like a man? well, real men look like men because they work hard, just like Holm; nothing to do with doping. You might as well suggests that men who appear as soft as waterlogged marshmallows, don’t do anything or perhaps it points toward bilateral orchiectomy.
I have been telling everyone that Holms will whoop ronda’s a*s but nobody believed me. People dismissed Holms as not even worthy of a title fight with Ronda and said only Cyborg was good enough to beat Ronda. If they had done there research they would have known that this shy sweet girl is the only person in the WORLD to have BEAT Cyborg, and won every single world championship belt in professional boxing. Holly Holms is the best female fighter in the world and the NEW UFC bantamweight CHAMPION..couldnt have happened to a classier and more deserving and humble person…
Couldn’t agree with your last 2 sentences more.
Que pelea!!!exelente estrategia la del equipo de Holms,usando sus manos mas largas,y un muy buen sentido del ring,ya que ataco,llendo hacia atras.Conecto muy bien los rectos de zurda,que mucho daño hicieron en la humanidad de Ronda,que no encontro la pelea en toda la noche.Impresiona la caida de Ronda,dando la sensacion,que cuando caia,ya estaba KO.
Muy buena pelea!!!.Saludos.
I seriously didn’t think that Holm would make it out of the first round without getting submitted. I’ve never been happier to have been wrong. She fought a great fight and exposed Rousey’s mediocre standup and footwork/foot speed. Now maybe we can finally stop being hammered over the head constantly about how “dominant” the over rated and over exposed Rousey is.
“…exposed Rousey’s mediocre standup and footwork/foot speed.”
This is what I believe to be the REAL reason that she didn’t want to fight Cris Cyborg. I think she used the title and weight s an excuse. She was willing to move up to 145 to fight Meisha Tate but wouldn’t budge for Cyborg. Now she has no title to hide behind. She will still find a reason to avoid her. She knows she can’t go toe to toe with Cris and she knows Cris is an expert at brazilian jiujitsu should the fight go to the mat
Get real Cyborg is half man she had excessive tyme on Steroids if U know steroids it makes Transformation so now she is a DragEvicta and DON’T look like Dana is hurry to sign her just hope Holly Gets good fair fights but end of fight take look at last round 2 late punches did she punch her it looks like she didn’t hit her at all hope its real fights just look at it for urself and godbless all
I said it before, and I will say it again. We got to be humble and somewhat be quiet with our opponents and our adversaries. I am the first to admit that I am a counter puncher in terms of being defensive when someone bears false witness against me, or when somebody purposely annoys me by creepily invading my space, or when a few people join some d-bag bandwagon against me because they are spineless to challenge me one on one. So, I am first to say that I got to gain more wisdom in ignoring people, letting go of their garbage, and exercising more wisdom in being slow to speak and quick to listen to those who hate me. It’s not impossible. As for RR, she did NOT effectively prepare herself for the very different opponent she faced in Holm. RR ought to have kept her mouth silent in the PRE-fight hoopla. RR was unsuccessful last night because she and her coach failed to lay the groundwork for a different kind of fighter than she had ever fought before. RR’s bragging in the PRE-fight hype kicked her ass.
Very True
Love your response because you are 100 percent right.
I think it’s the second MMA fight I see in my life lol. It was pretty good, they move pretty fast. Unbelievable kick to close the show.
Just would be sensible wouldn’t it.
Does she do that often? In boxing, it would be very badly perceived by the public.
Haven’t seen her do it before. Seems she kind of knew she was going get it.
I bet she want talk sh*t to mayweather again she can’t keep up with Holm’s to fast
Very dangerous long legs. Sadly Rousey did not have a good defense. Holm did not let her have her game. Wore Rousey down. She was in control the whole match. Not that I know a lot but I felt it would be a kick from that girl that would take Ronda out.
UFC is full of pub fighters. It reminded me of the time when Chuck Lidell use to dominate the men light heavy division. When Dena decided to bring in half decent fighters who were really good in pride, Chuck Lidell got exsposed for the ameatur he was.
Agree completely. Unfortunately he’s still entering the hall of fame.
so many Ronda haters were so called fans.
Not I said the pig! The more I heard RR speak the more I distained her. Now she’s had a taste of karma, I hope she recovers and keeps fighting. I’m not even a HH fan, but s*** she dominated that fight.
to beat the ultimate american bada*s is something but i still am true to Ronda i just wish she would have bumped gloves she has more class than that. she is not rude. don’t know why she did that. she saved herself though with the hug at the end. she is # 1.
She’s done that before. She said to one of her opponents, “don’t cry.” She flipped the finger to another in a wall climbing contest…her motto is that she is not a DO NOTHING Bi___. Oh she’s so classy, LOL.
I’m not denying that Ronda is arrogant, she certainly is, but that girl she said “don’t cry…” that girls was talking trash about Ronda’s dead father, and at the weight in said to Ronda “don’t cry…” because was actually crying about what she had said about her father, so actually, I think it was all class for her to say that after the fight. But I’m clueless as to what she had against Holm, HH has been respectful and professional all the way, and Ronda was being completely disrespectful for no reason, maybe she really was scared to fight her???
Apparently she doesn’t have more class than that or she would have touched em up. I used to be a fan of hers until she got arrogant and evil. The way she talked down to Cris Cyborg and her attitude in general is nothing like the Ronda I had respect for. The 2011 Ronda who was calm, cool, collected and humble. She changed and began to think she was bigger than the sport. She began to believe her own hype. Well…God has a way of exalting those who humble themselves and humbling those who exalt themselves. Ronda got humbled in a most humiliating fashion.
God has nothing to do with it….
you’re WRONG… not bumping gloves is why she LOST..no class at all..
Rhoda was done after the first round. She didn’t train, she was out of condition, she got her butt kicked, she deserved to lose. She has a big mouth that got filled with Holly’s fist.
point taken… ‘us’ people seem to be seeing some massive height difference; its only 1″ right? And only 1″ reach difference. And, RR is 6 years younger.
Does anyone know if Ronda did a interview after the fight yet?
Nope. She went straight the hospital. The only statement she has made was her post on Instagram
She hasn’t
To be fair, she didn’t even initiate he hug. Holly did. Ronda was too busy looking at the mat and sulking from feeling sorry for herself. After getting the kind of beating that she got, she had no choice but to hug.
Why the entire world was AROUSED by Ronda’s loss?
Cause she’s an arrogant tw@t.
Because The Honey Baked Ham Known As..
[Ronda Rousey] Is An Arrogant -> You Know What