Kozaev vs Kurbanov is scheduled to take place Saturday, November 30th, at the RCC Boxing Academy in Ekaterinburg (Russia), in a 10-round light middleweight (154 lbs, 69.9 kg) bout; it is the main event of the evening. Watch the video and rate this fight!
Magomed Kurbanov record
Magomed Kurbanov entered this fight with a pro boxing record of 25-1-0 (13 knockouts) and he is ranked as the No.25 light middleweight in the world.
In his last three fights he has beat Johan Gonzalez (Magomed Kurbanov vs Johan Gonzalez) and Michel Soro (Magomed Kurbanov vs Michel Soro) but then he has lost to Israil Madrimov (Magomed Kurbanov vs Israil Madrimov).
Aslanbek Kozaev record
His opponent, Aslanbek Kozaev, has an official record of 35-3-1 (9 knockouts) but he is not ranked as he hasn’t fought since 2022.
He was defeated by Chris van Heerden in 2019 but then he has beat Viktor Plotnikov and Mirzakamol Nematov.
Full fight video / highlights
Here we are going to post a selection of the best videos about the bout Magomed Kurbanov vs Aslanbek Kozaev as soon as the match ends. If you have seen the full fight you can rate it at the bottom of this post. (All videos are hosted on free video platforms such as Youtube, Dailymotion, Facebook, etc. and not uploaded by AllTheBestFights.com)
Kurbanov vs Kozaev starts around 6:00:00
Who won Kurbanov vs Kozaev fight?
Magomed Kurbanov defeated Aslanbek Kozaev via TKO, round 6.