Loughnane vs Khizriev is scheduled to take place Friday, November 29th, at the King Saud University Stadium in Riyadh (Saudi Arabia), in a 5-round featherweight (145 lbs, 66 kg) bout; it is the main event of the evening of PFL 10 and it is the final of the 2024 PFL featherweight tournament. Watch the video and rate this fight!
Timur Khizriev record
The undefeated Timur Khizriev entered this fight with a perfect mma record of 17-0-0 (24% finishing rate) and he is ranked as the No.16 featherweight in the world.
In his last three fights he has won over Brett Johns, Enrique Barzola and Gabriel Braga.
Brendan Loughnane record
His opponent, the 2022 PFL Fw tournament champ Brendan Loughnane, has an official record of 29-5-0 (59% finishing rate) and he entered as the No.17 in the featherweight division.
He fought twice last year beating Marlon Moraes (Brendan Loughnane vs Marlon Moraes) and losing to Jesus Pinedo; then, in 2024, he has won over Pedro Carvalho, Justin Gonzales and Kai Kamaka III.
Fight card
Here is the PFL 10 full fight card (we are going to update it after the weigh-in):
MAIN CARD (live on ESPN / ESPN+)
Timur Khizriev vs Brendan Loughnane
Taila Santos vs Dakota Ditcheva
Impa Kasanganay vs Dovletdzhan Yagshimuradov
Magomed Umalatov vs Shamil Musaev
Brent Primus vs Gadzhi Rabadanov
Denis Goltsov vs Oleg Popov
Watch the video of PFL 10 weigh-in from the official PFL MMA Youtube channel!
Full fight video / highlights
Here we are going to post a selection of the best videos about the bout Timur Khizriev vs Brendan Loughnane as soon as the match ends. If you have seen the full fight you can rate it at the bottom of this post. (All videos are hosted on free video platforms such as Youtube, Dailymotion, Facebook, etc. and not uploaded by AllTheBestFights.com)
Who won Khizriev vs Loughnane fight?
Timur Khizriev defeated Brendan Loughnane via unanimous decision. Scores were 50–45, 49–46, 49–46.