Vergara vs Conwell is scheduled to take place Saturday, December 14th, at the Toyota Arena in Ontario (California, USA), in a 10-round light middleweight (154 lbs, 69.9 kg) bout; it is on the undercard of Alexis Rocha vs Raul Curiel. Watch the video and rate this fight!
Charles Conwell record
The undefeated former Olympian Charles Conwell entered this fight with a perfect record of 20-0-0 (15 KOs=75%) and he is ranked as the No.11 light middleweight in the world.
In his last three matches he has won over Juan Carlos Abreu, Nathaniel Gallimore and Khiary Gray.
Gerardo Luis Vergara record
His opponent, the undefeated Gerardo Luis Vergara, has a boxing record of 20-0-0 (13 knockouts) and he entered as the No.29 in the middleweight division.
In his last three fights he has beat Carlos Miguel Ronner, Diego Fabian Martinez and Juan Pablo Lucero.
Full fight video / highlights
Here we are going to post a selection of the best videos about the bout Charles Conwell vs Gerardo Luis Vergara as soon as the match ends. If you have seen the full fight you can rate it at the bottom of this post. (All videos are hosted on free video platforms such as Youtube, Dailymotion, Facebook, etc. and not uploaded by AllTheBestFights.com)
Official highlights
Who won Conwell vs Vergara fight?
Charles Conwell defeated Gerardo Luis Vergara via KO at 2:51, round 7.