Segawa vs Carrington is scheduled to take place Friday, September 27th, at the Madison Square Garden Theater in New York (USA), in a 10-round featherweight (126 lbs, 57.2 kg) bout; it is on the undercard of Sandy Ryan vs Mikaela Mayer. Watch the video and rate this fight!
Bruce Carrington record
The undefeated Bruce Carrington entered this fight with a perfect boxing record of 12-0-0 (8 knockouts) and he is ranked as the No.13 featherweight in the world.
In his last three matches he has won over Jason Sanchez, Bernard Angelo Torres and Brayan De Gracia.
Sulaiman Segawa record
His opponent, Sulaiman Segawa, has an official record of 17-4-1 (6 knockouts) and he entered as the No.23 in the featherweight division.
He has already fought twice this year losing to Mirco Cuello and defeating Ruben Villa.
Full fight video / highlights
Here we are going to post a selection of the best videos about the bout Bruce Carrington vs Sulaiman Segawa as soon as the match ends. If you have seen the full fight you can rate it at the bottom of this post. (All videos are hosted on free video platforms such as Youtube, Dailymotion, Facebook, etc. and not uploaded by AllTheBestFights.com)
Who won Carrington vs Segawa fight?
Bruce Carrington defeated Sulaiman Segawa via majority decision. Scores were 97-93, 95-95, 97-93.