In the “Boxing Schedule” you can find the best upcoming boxing fights scheduled for the weekend and some matches already announced for next months. We update the list of the fights weekly (usually on Wednesday or Thursday) choosing the most important professional boxing events on TV (Showtime, ESPN, BT Sport, Sky Sports, DAZN etc) but also the most relevant worldwide matches non-televised in the USA or UK.
We try to list the upcoming boxing fights in chronological order adding some info like the country where the event is hosted, the television or where is it possible to watch it and if it is valid for a world title. Moreover, next to the name of the fighters, you will find the position in the ranking of their category.
Boxing Schedule updated on 2025-03-19
Check out also the Kickboxing Schedule and the Mma Schedule!
Thursday, March 20th
Noli James Maquilan vs Adrian Lerasan 45 136
Arvin Magramo vs Rene Mark Cuarto 25 117
Roderick Bautista vs Alec Xandrhe Bonita 31 110
Friday, March 21st
Dustin Pague vs Andrew Angelcor
Cody Vidal vs Brandon Conley
Saturday, March 22nd
AUSTRALIA (DAZN) 4 am ET / 1 am PT / 9 am UK
George Kambosos Jr vs Jake Wyllie 42 95
Skye Nicolson vs Tiara Brown 1 4 WOMEN
Cherneka Johnson vs Nina Hughes 5 12 WOMEN WBA
Imam Khataev vs Durval Elias Palacio 15 81
Hemi Ahio vs Aekkaphob Auraiwan 33 425
Rodrigo Fabian Ruiz vs Luis Millan 19 330
Maliek Montgomery vs Jeremy Hill 29 108
USA (PROBOX TV) 6 pm ET / 3 pm PT / 11 pm UK
Lester Martinez vs Joeshon James 17 0
USA (Amazon Prime Video, Panama RPC Channel 4) 9 pm ET / 6 pm PT / 2 am UK
Sebastian Fundora vs Chordale Booker 11 40
Jesus Alejandro Ramos Jr vs Guido Emmanuel Schramm 10 164
Elijah Garcia vs Terrell Gausha 34 59
Alberto Mora Garcia vs Viktor Slavinskyi 39 172
Vlad Panin vs Brian Agustin Arregui 33 632
Monday, March 24th
Keita Kurihara vs Kenneth Llover 31 34
Tuesday, March 25th
Reiya Abe vs Satoshi Shimizu 22 0
Keisuke Matsumoto vs Yuya Oku 15 69
Taiga Imanaga vs Romer Pinili 50 152
Thank you! :)
Thank you. I really appreciate this, if it is not to much trouble, can you guys post the time that the events start on tv. It just take some time to find it sometimes. Thanks again.
Finland – Operastage, Olavinlinna, Savonlinna
Edis Tatli vs Gianluca Ceglia
your old listings were better than this, where are the videos og the fights???
Hi Norris, here are the last boxing fights we have posted
If not, here are all the best boxing fights of 2022. We are going to post the ranking of 2023 in February or March!-)
Hey, nice overview. Will you upload the creator clash 2?
No I’m sorry
Why have we been blocked on facebook and twitter? I don’t care as I don’t use those venues anyway, but just curious.
In the past we used to post official UFC posters in our articles, like all mixed martial arts news sites or even Wikipedia, but one day we got a report that those images violated UFC copyright and got us banned from social media!!