Here you can find the best boxing fights of 2015 rated by our users (ranking updated monthly). We post the top 25 fighting with 4 and 5 stars rated at least ten times.
Clicking on the name of the boxer you can watch and rate the video of the fight (if it is available on the web) and read some info about it.
If you are looking for a boxing fight of 2015, you can find it in our official boxing ranking of 2015: rate your fight of the year!
Previous Year: USERS’ BOXING RANKING of 2014
Next Year: USERS’ BOXING RANKING of 2016
Ranking updated and closed on February 4th, 2016

1. Saul ‘Canelo’ Alvarez vs James Kirkland
2. Takashi Miura vs Francisco Vargas
3. Marco Huck vs Krzysztof Glowacki
4. Lucas Matthysse vs Ruslan Provodnikov
5. Edwin Rodriguez vs Michael Seals
6. Nonito Donaire vs Cesar Juarez
7. Sergey Kovalev vs Jean Pascal
8. David Lemieux vs Hassan N’Dam N’Jikam
9. Andrzej Fonfara vs Nathan Cleverly
10. Amir Imam vs Adrian Granados
11. Dmitry Kudryashov vs Olanrewaju Durodola
12. Fidel Maldonado Jr vs Amir Imam
13. Julio Ceja vs Hugo Ruiz
14. Javier Mendoza vs Akira Yaegashi
(4 stars)
15. Anthony Joshua vs Dillian Whyte
16. Roman Gonzalez vs Brian Viloria
17. Bryant Jennings vs Luis Ortiz
18. Leo Santa Cruz vs Abner Mares
19. Gennady Golovkin vs Martin Murray
20. Rakhim Chakhkiev vs Ola Afolabi
21. Kevin Mitchell vs Jorge Linares
22. Manuel Charr vs Mairis Briedis
23. Julio Cesar Chavez Jr vs Andrzej Fonfara
24. Chris Eubank Jr vs Gary O’Sullivan
25. Frank Buglioni vs Lee Markham
MOST VOTED Top 5 Boxing fights of 2015
Saul ‘Canelo’ Alvarez vs James Kirkland
Floyd Mayweather Jr vs Manny Pacquiao
Miguel Cotto vs Saul Canelo Alvarez
Gennady Golovkin vs David Lemieux
Anthony Joshua vs Dillian Whyte