The world champion in three different weight classes Jorge Linares entered this fight with a professional boxing record of 44-3-0 (27 knockouts) and he is ranked as the No.1 lightweight in the world. He suffered two consecutive defeats between 2011 and 2012, against Antonio DeMarco (DeMarco vs Linares) and Sergio Thompson (Linares vs Thompson), but then he has won 13 fights beating Luke Campbell (Linares vs Campbell) and Mercito Gesta in his last two (Jorge Linares vs Mercito Gesta).
His opponent, the 2012 and 2008 Olympic gold medalist and world champion in two different weight classes Vasyl Lomachenko, has an official record of 10-1-0 (8 KOs=80%) and he entered as the No.1 super featherweight. He lost to Orlando Salido at his second professional bout in 2014 (controversial split decision, Salido vs Lomachenko) but since then he has won nine consecutive fights defending the Wbo super-Fw belt three times in 2017: with Jason Sosa (Lomachenko vs Sosa), Miguel Marriaga (Lomachenko vs Marriaga) and Guillermo Rigondeaux (Vasyl Lomachenko vs Guillermo Rigondeaux). Linares vs Lomachenko is valid for the WBA Super World lightweight title (Linares’ fourth defense). Watch the video and rate this fight!
Date: 2018-05-12
Where: Madison Square Garden, New York, USA
Division: lightweight (135 lbs, 61.2 kg)
Title: WBA Super World lightweight title
Linares’ previous fight: Jorge Linares vs Mercito Gesta
Lomachenko’s previous fight: Vasyl Lomachenko vs Guillermo Rigondeaux
Linares’ next fight: Jorge Linares vs Abner Cotto
Lomachenko’s next fight: Vasyl Lomachenko vs Jose Pedraza
Linares vs Lomachenko fight video:
(Free embeddable video hosted on Youtube and not uploaded by AllTheBestFights)
Official video
Official highlights
What a fight. FOTY candidate. Unfortunately for Loma, 135+ is going to be a lot tougher for him where he’s going to give up a good amount of size – we saw a glimpse of what implies when he got knocked down tonight. Still, he would dance circles around most guys and overwhelm them with a barrage of punches. Who’s he going to fight next? Mikey Garcia? Terrence Crawford?
Excellent fight, both guys did themselves and their teams proud.
Linares looked excellent and had just had a very good round 9 winning it fairly convincingly but in the fashion of the fight Loma took the next round back (and then some).
That said LW is probably NOT the division for Loma, Jorge is big for the division but he is not monster strong or powerful like, say, Garcia and Loma would take a lot of damage if he stays at the weight…Loma has challenges aplenty at SFW.
Something to note: there are two ways to pressure an opponent, one is you yourself pick up the pace of your own fighting and make them match it by constantly marching into the opponent (not away from them) and the other way is: you feint them into all sorts of reactions and movement they are not intending to do and slowly fatigue them through confusion. Loma does both of these methods to the absolute extreme but…and here in lies the problem for Loma at LW, These boys are bigger than he is, they’re heavier and they hit harder…picking up the pace and marching into any heavier fighter, or worse a sniper like Garcia, WILL spell serious damage or maybe doom for the new champion, there will be a few guys in the division that can hurt, drop and maybe even stop Loma if he uses this tactic with them…Linares almost got there by doing just that. That leaves Loma with only his feints to apply the pressure, so if he stays at LW…we will rarely get to see him at his sublime best as his pressure game will most likely be halved.
Hi Tech is the new P4P king in my view…June 9th will tell us if that number 2 spot is Bud or Triple G but the number spot has just been filled.
I agree with everything you’ve said you did not exaggerate. I’m glad someone else respects Garcia’s fundamentalism. I loved this fight, I think it gave Loma much needed humility.
Fundamentals mate, fundamentalism is something else (proper corporate news speak). I love Mikey and hope that he is not a fundamentalist…actually now that I think of it; how strongly can you believe in money? (Mikey would be all over that cause).
Anyway, no offense intended mate and full respect to you (I do that kind of thing all the time and love how my own slip ups sound).
Totally agree with your assessment of Loma and his chances up in LW. However, I do think the got caught unbalanced when Linares dropped him and he didn’t look particularly hurt. It rather made him be much more careful because he felt his power and figured out that another punch like that could mean the end for him.
But this should be very good news for Mikey, because he has perfect timing and incredibly solid fundamentals, and hits way harder than Linares imo. If he catches Loma just like that I really think it might be the end of the fight.
Agreed mate, Loma wasn’t badly hurt by the knock down punch but he was stunned by it (and probably a bit embarrassed as well). Watching the fight I did think Loma was making a mistake with his defensive guard as he had been using the left hand across his face in a kind of shortened cross arm defense periodically before the 6th. When I seen him using it in the 4th round I thought that that might work against guys your own size but a maybe not be so effective with guys that can “punch clean through you”. That said, I wasn’t actually thinking of Linares at that time, I was thinking of Mikey. Linares’ faithful right hand in the sixth was, I think, more a case of excellent timing and coordination his part than brute force but if Loma fights Mikey he’ll try and eliminate anything that might be as costly against the sniper that is Garcia.
Agree on all points, I think Loma should stop here, I don’t wanna see a Chocolatito 2.0
Agree with that mate.
Totally agree ! Loma doesn’t need to stay at LW, it was evident really. The big boys would have put to much hurt on him. I don’t want to see such a talent get snuffed out with being overwhelmed by bigger, stronger guys ! Linares made the mistake of not pressing his advantage after the knockdown, even though Loma didn’t look particularly hurt. As the bigger guy he should have put Loma under more pressure. But Loma causes his opponents to second guess their own abilities after a few rounds, (its the reason fighters quit against him) because he throws so many punches and has such a high work rate, and of course the matrix movement. For example
I suspect Linares was not confident that if he pressed the action, he would have the gas left to keep Loma off in the later rounds, if he couldn’t get him out of there. This was a very high quality enjoyable fight ! Lomachenko is phenomenal. Loma is not a power puncher, but I still think he hits far harder than it seems, even though he varies the power of his shots.
Fully agree mate.
Excellent, brilliant fight. Two boxers giving everything they have, fighting with pride and determination. This is what boxing is supposed to be.
Yes, this was the real thing tonight! Congratulations to both men. Thrilling as hell.
Facing Loma is like fighting a hive of hornets. They’re everywhere.
Not everybody hits like Linares or can crack the Matrix code fast enough to land the way he did. But based on the knockdown, it looks like 135 is going to be rougher for Loma. Mikey Garcia will be a very tall order and one exciting fight.
Couldnt be happier with the fight tonight! Was very surprised that loma got the ko with a LIVER shot to the much stronger man! After linares cracked the code and split the hornets (i like your visual there) with that 1 shot, i thouht it suddenly turned the match into a 12 rnd fight! You could see linares throwing the straight right down the pipe in every rmd, missing it. I kept thinking, that russian dancing squad anatolie (apologies for the spelling) made loma stop boxing amd attend as a kid, coupled with lomas beastial desire to throw combos while angling his whole body, makes him near impossible to beat. Especially cuz he steps around, turns fighters so much that they lose equilibrium during it all. Thats a nasty nasty recipe. The 1 thing ive noticed though, since lomas step up to the prosm his dancing feet and twisting body focus sometimes lulls his hands before and after a flurry. Opponents fear throwing first due to how willing loma is to throw soft punches out there to open oppopents hands up then allowing loma to land hard shots between the soft ones he wastes as trickery punches. But if loma faces a quicker guy thats willing to throw 1st, they may catch lomas chin and put him out. I could be wrong, loma may drop his hands less against guys that arent strictly counter punching… but i do hope he constantly practices keeping his hands working in rhythm with his dancing feet. If he perfects the guard in unison with his feet, he may never lose again haha.
Yes i believe mikey garcia is the even better version of linares. Linares had his moments, and mikey wont get spun/turned around so often. I think the combo of linares being a bit dizzied and taking a nasty liver shot at the same time kept him down. He didnt look right when tryna get up. Like, dizzied. It was crazy cuz i think linares was having his best rnd…. he was turning LOMA in circles while landing stiff staright shots. When he opened up, his liver got eaten for dinner. What an awesome string of events!
Im not sure mikey will have the speed to land 1st or last in exchanges if loma drops guard. But his fundamentals will keep him from getting turned/dizzied. I still pick loma, but mikey is the test. I think loma needs a fight before mikey though. If anything, at least to alclimate the weight. His shots werent as strong early in the fight tonight. But he did ko the bigger man to the body! Shall see
Enjoyed your account of the fight and keen analysis of Loma’s technique, Chad.
Good Comment…Tonight was the first time I didn’t feel like I was looking at an overrated fighter n Loma. Linares is a real one. I was able to see Loma’s dimensions tonight. His movement is very interesting. it’s herky jerky smooth….He keeps you distracted w/ movement & dance …Then punches n volume & cuts angles at the same time. Very confusing & frustrating to deal w/. I didn’t like jorge’s approach tonight though. i thought he was too patent & not busy enough. Certain guys across all sports…You ust can’t allow to build momentum. loma’s one o them. He must be forced to stop & restart…often. That high paced rhythm s a death sentence. W/ Lnares beng the bigger man & w/ nice snap & speed… shouldv’e elected to change rhythms frequently. …& tactics….not fighting purely from the outside….or n his case n the punch zone pocket.. Not enough combos…or shots n vol IMO. He fought Loma’s fight. Chenko also has a very good motor. U can see how he cranks up the knob once he’s ready to shift gears. Reminds me of a more fundamental Pacquiao. & lastly agree if Loma decides to try hs hand w/ mikey. He’ll have a speed advantage. But not skill. Mikey s so sound…so balanced …so intelligent…& has some o the best timing i’ve seen since JMM…it’ll be an interesting battle. Like Mayweather…both were bread to fght.
interesting thing about the ght tonght s orge hurt Lomas on more than a couple occasions. & Loma hurt Lnares to the body multple tmes as well. Both men disguised t. But earlier n the 10 Loma hit jorge w/ a straight let to the liver & could see Lnares really bothered by t. He backed up & was ht w/ a combo to the head. Really that first lver shot ended t all. More head combos & another straight left downstairs & Lnares was done. impressive win or sure
Good Comment…Tonight was the first time I didn’t feel like I was looking at an overrated fighter n Loma. Linares is a real one. I was able to see Loma’s dimensions tonight. His movement is very interesting. it’s herky jerky smooth….He keeps you distracted w/ movement & dance …Then punches n volume & cuts angles at the same time. Very confusing & frustrating to deal w/. I didn’t like jorge’s approach tonight though. i thought he was too patent & not busy enough. Certain guys across all sports…You ust can’t allow to build momentum. loma’s one o them. He must be forced to stop & restart…often. That high paced rhythm s a death sentence. W/ Lnares beng the bigger man & w/ nice snap & speed… shouldv’e elected to change rhythms frequently. …& tactics….not fighting purely from the outside….or n his case n the punch zone pocket.. Not enough combos…or shots n vol IMO. He fought Loma’s fight. Chenko also has a very good motor. U can see how he cranks up the kn*b once he’s ready to shift gears. Reminds me of a more fundamental Pacquiao. & lastly agree if Loma decides to try hs hand w/ mikey. He’ll have a speed advantage. But not skill. Mikey s so sound…so balanced …so intelligent…& has some o the best timing i’ve seen since JMM…it’ll be an interesting battle. Like Mayweather…both were bread to fght.
nterestng thng about the ght tonght s orge hurt Lomas on more than a couple ocassons. & Loma hurt Lnares to the body multple tmes as well. Both men dsgused t. But earler n the 1 Loma ht orge w/ a straght let to the lver & could see Lnares really bothered by t. He backed up & was ht w/ a combo to the head. Really that rst lver shot ended t all. More head combos & another strat let downstars & Lnares was done. mpressve wn or sure.
Agreed! Enjoyed reading your observations, Mr. O.
I agree with everything you and October said! Incredible fight, the highest quality.
I wonder if Lomachenko is going to stay at this weight, because I think the better opposition would be against Berchelt and Davis 5lbs below, or against Garcia or Crawford 5lbs above. But what I saw on Saturday night had me wondering if 135lbs was the limit for Lomachenko. The fact that he got caught with Linares’ counter right hand for the flash KD, is one thing (Linares is an elite fighter but not the strongest puncher), but the pace, his speed, his movement were somehow different. To me, Lomachenko was a bit slower than usual, just a bit but just enough so Linares could score. So I don’t know… If he moves up in weight and faces Garcia or Crawford, I would be very thrilled, but I feel Lomachenko would finally find his match. If Mayweather is for real, I would love to see him fight Davis next.
I had the fight 86-85 Lomachenko when it was stopped.
Agree with you completely, Olivier. I would be content if Loma returned to campaign at 130 where, as you say, he looks faster, more fluid. He is chasing paydays, though, so my wishes will not matter very much, haha. Do you think Tank would give him a good challenge? I’d like to see that fight immediately too.
If Loma goes on at 135 (Gervonta has trouble making 130 now, doesn’t he?) but in close wins where he suffers more adversity, he’ll quickly become a different fighter. More conservative. That would be a pity in one so fantastically gifted! Floyd changed, too, as he moved up. He morphed from the action-packed Pretty Boy Floyd into the action-averse Money May and became much less interesting even though he was still dominant. New identities don’t always fit well (as George Galloway once said cruelly about a change of worldview in Christopher Hitchens, “Something unique in natural history: the first ever metamorphosis from a butterfly back into a slug.”)
Simply an sensational body shot from Lomachenko
Excellent fight from two skillful boxers but one was unstoppable. I guess Linares was the best competition tlll now that was practically demolished by master Loma. Loma was gaining too much confidence after round number 2 and Linares isn’t at all a kind of contender to be sub estimated so he payed a little price with his know down in round 6. Anyhow , Loma is an artist who put a show that most likely deserves the 4 stars. His shot to the liver was outstanding.
simply perfect and pleasing to the eye
even with kd in round 6
is vasily the best in the world at the moment ?
I liked this fight, I like Lomachencho, but before the body shot, he went for the eye, he went for the cut over and over again. His talent is proven, but not his class. Give a rematch to Salido!
Salido is the one pricing himself. Nomaschenko needs to pretty much pay him to lose or quit.
well, let’s not wait until Salido is too old to do it, my friend :) Or else, Loma could have the excuse of saying the guy was too old the second time around :)
Salido is washed up after a very demanding career where I have always supported him. It was a very difficult match for Lomachenko as Salido missed completely the weight and is a very good experienced fighter. I don’t want to be rude but what had been stolen to Salido during all his career he got back in that match. He could fight extremely dirty and should have had a point deduction early. I didn’t know Lomachenko and I watched the match sided with Salido, I ended up thinking that in a fair match he would have been knocked out. But what really impressed me is how Loma took the loss and bounced back. He has the mindset of a great champion. He is going up in weight too much and too fast and before or later he will hit the limit but, already now, he has incredible achievements. He is not only getting titles in different categories fast but also without avoiding the top champions. Often the careers are slowly built up, no his own: he already deserves to be considered among the great champions and he could find a spot with the greatests.
Great fight . Shame linares didn’t made it to the end !!!!
Mikey is next I hope